Thursday, October 9, 2008

The first one

I've decided I needed a hobby. With some inspirations, and careful thought, I realized I should give photography a try.

I had always loved taking pictures, with my favorite subject being my oldest cat :)
While trying to find something to do when we were without power for a little bit after Hurricane Ike (we were one of few very lucky ones to only be without for 12 hours), I dug out my dad's old Yashica Electro 35 he bought on his way home from Vietnam in 1970. Only the past week and a half was when I started taking some pictures, and getting used to manual focus, and the 2 different lenses. I took the first roll of film in to get developed. I'm also getting my prints on CD (good thing for that option, makes it tons easier to digitize prints). So hopefully from that first roll, I'll have some decent, post worthy pictures from it.
So, this is the start. I hope to eventually get a DSLR, and also learn and improve my skills in this field.
Til next time.

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